
Ribble Drive Community Primary School

Be the best you can be


We are a one form entry primary school. This means that we can take up to 30 children in each year group.


New and In-Year Admissions Reception – Year 6:

Ribble Drive Primary School adopts the Bury LA co-ordinated admissions scheme for new and in-year admissions.


Please access the following website for further information:

To initiate the process for in-year admissions please contact the school directly.


Allocation of Places

When schools are oversubscribed, priority for allocation of places will be as follows:-

  1. Child or Young Person in Care
  2. Children with a medical or social need
  3. Children who have older siblings in school
  4. Children that live in the catchment area
  5. Other children


Parents have the right of appeal to the Local Education Authority if they are not offered a place at the school. The final decision rests with them and not the school.


Admission into Reception

Entry into our reception classes follows Local Authority admission procedures. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that the relevant forms are submitted to the Local Authority in time to be considered for admission.


If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to get in touch via email or phone and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


To apply for a reception place please follow the link below:
