
Ribble Drive Community Primary School

Be the best you can be

Meet the Governors

The Governing Body meets once a term. Its members are volunteers who play an important part in working with all members of our school community. They oversee the work of the school and working with the Head Teacher, ensure it provides an excellent education for all our pupils. It has 7 members.


There are no pecuniary or material interests. 


School Improvement: The Governing Body ensures that the school meets the requirements of the National Curriculum. It receives and reports on the progress and achievement of all pupils. Policies are reviewed, amended and approved.


Finance: In consultation with the Head Teacher the Governing Body helps plan and set the school budget. It monitors expenditure against the budget and ensures the school operates within the relevant financial standards. It reviews the use of pupil premium and considers maintenance and improvements.


Staffing: This Governing Body keeps under review the staffing structure. Members oversee the appointment procedures for staff, review  work life balance, working conditions and well being. They also monitor the effectiveness of staff appraisals.


Premises (incorporating Health, Safety & Welfare): This Governing Body view progress on premise matters and plan improvements and building work based on our school building development plan. It establishes, implements and monitors the schools Health & Safety Policy and Safeguarding Policy. It keeps under review the schools' Accessibility Plan.


Governing Body 2024-25



Term Of Office Ends

Mrs J. Caunce

Head Teacher


Mr M TaylorChair18/9/27
Ms K LenihanParent Governor18/9/27

Mrs L Pearson



Mrs Z Smith



Miss A Simpson



Ms E Webster



  • Parent Governors are elected by parents/carers of pupils at the school

  • Co-opted Governors are elected by the Governing body

  • Staff Governors are elected by all staff colleagues

  • LA Governors are recommended by the LA and appointed by the Governing Body •   Governors are required to declare any financial interest in accordance with Regulation 16 and Schedule 1 of the School Governance (Roles, procedures and Allowances) England Regulations 2013

  • The Governing Body is required to maintain and publish a register of business interests.

  • There are no interests recorded either for 2023-24 or the current financial year to date.


Governors are required to declare details of other school governance positions held.






Information for prospective Ribble Drive Governors


There are seven Ribble Drive school governors and a Clerk working with Mrs. Caunce and her staff to ensure Ribble Drive pupils get the best from their time in the school. The governing body works with the head teacher and staff to make sure the school provides a high quality education for its pupils, providing strategic direction to support the head teacher to make the operational day-to-day decisions. 

There are four categories of governors, and at Ribble Drive we have one Local Authority governor, two parent governors, one co-opted governor, one staff governor and the head teacher. We meet regularly as a Full Governing Board. Monitoring is carried out by all governors focusing on issues highlighted. Several governors also take on other responsibilities e.g. health and safety. All governors report back to the full board. 

Minutes of governor meetings are kept in the school office should anyone wish to see them. 


 What being a Ribble Drive governor involves

Being a Ribble Drive governor involves attending full governing body meetings (usually one a term). The Governing Body looks at developments in teaching and learning in the school, maintenance of the premises, personnel and finances. 


Settling in as a new governor 

If you agree to become a governor, a mentor will be able to give you an overview of the role including how meetings are conducted, and be able to answer any questions you may have about the role. You will be given a Ribble Drive 'Welcome Pack for New Governors' which will give you information pertinent to the school, and an Induction Pack from Governor Services which includes information on Training for Governors. We would encourage you to attend the next Induction Course (these take place in Bury and other parts of the county both during the day and in the evening so you can you choose the most convenient time) as it will give you information and an overview of what being a governor involves. The Governor's Handbook is also very useful.
