Be the best you can be
Art and Design inspires our pupils to develop their confidence to experiment and invent their own works of art. They are inspired by artists, craftspeople and designers both past and present. It enables children to express themselves, to be creative and to learn about their own and other cultures and communities. Our approach to Art and Design enables us to realise both our Mission Statement:
“Be The Best That You Can Be”
And our Disability Statement:
“To make all reasonable adjustments to ensure that any member of the school community with a disability is not placed at a disadvantage and to endeavour to anticipate their needs in advance of their participation in any activities within the school”
Through our teaching of Art and Design, Ribble Drive Primary School aims to equip our pupils with a life-long enjoyment of art developing their own artistic skills and appreciating the creativity of others. This intent is further supported by the following aims:
To develop pupils’ enjoyment and interest in Art and Design and their curiosity about the world around them.
To enable children to become visually literate and understand that Art is a form of communication.
To stimulate children’s creativity and imagination by providing visual, tactile and sensory experience.
To inspire confidence, value and pleasure in Art and Design.
To teach children to express their own ideas, feelings, thoughts and experiences.
To foster an enjoyment and appreciation of the visual arts and knowledge of artists, craftspeople and designers, through links with the local and wider multicultural community.
To develop children’s understanding of colour, form, texture, pattern and their ability to use material and processes to communicate ideas, feelings and meanings.
To meet the needs of each child so that they will reach their full potential.
To evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of Art and Design.
At Ribble Drive Primary School we have chosen to use a published Scheme of Work, Kapow Art and Design, to teach the Art and Design Curriculum in Key Stage 1 and 2. This scheme enables our teachers to deliver creative, inspiring and engaging lessons and provides for progression in skills and knowledge. There are 5 key strands to the Scheme which support the coverage of the National Curriculum attainment targets as well as each of the strands for KS1 and KS2. The 5 key strands developed through our scheme are:
Making skills
Formal elements (line, shape, tone, texture, pattern and colour)
Knowledge of artists, art movements, craftspeople, designers and architects from across time and place
Generating ideas
Evaluation skills
In Reception, young children will be given the opportunity to explore colour, texture, shape and form in two and three dimensions. The children will have access to a wide range of constructions, collage, painting and drawing activities, using appropriate tools and art materials. In order to tap their artistic protentional the children will be encouraged to develop their own creative ideas. EYFS pupils are taught in a variety of ways through adult-led and supported tasks and child-initiated learning in the continuous provision areas.
Key Stage 1
In KS1 children will be taught how to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. They will use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination. Children will develop a wide range of art and design techniques by using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. They will learn about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work.
Key Stage 2
In KS2 children will improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials (for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay). They will learn about great artists and designers in history. Children will use their sketch books to record their observations and learn how to use them to review and revisit ideas.
Whole School Project
One whole school collaborative project will take place each academic year during British Art week which can then be displayed around school. This is an opportunity for pupils and teachers to work together across the key stages and share skills and knowledge. Staff and pupils can support each other in their learning and development. The brief for each project is delivered to teaching staff by the subject coordinator.
Children will become creative learners who have a breadth of knowledge about great artists of the world and the ability to enjoy and value Art and Design. This will be evidenced through their sketchbooks, progression grids and final art work. Creativity will be celebrated and children will be given the opportunity to explore Art and Design using their imaginations.
Teachers monitor and assess children’s progress in Art and Design by;
• Looking at pupil’s work, especially over time as they gain skills and knowledge
• Observing how they perform in lessons
• Talking to them about what they know
The Subject Leader will:
Provide support to colleagues to plan and deliver Art and Design.
Lead training related to Art and Design.
Monitor teaching and learning in Art and Design.
Keep samples of children’s work in a portfolio. This demonstrates what the expected level of achievement is for Art and Design in each year group.
Organise an annual collaborative whole school project.
Equal opportunities
Every child at Ribble Drive has an entitlement to Art and Design as it is a necessary part of a broad and balanced curriculum. Children are entitled to have their efforts and achievements recognised regardless of gender, ability, race or cultural background. Teachers set appropriate challenges for all pupils.
Art and Design is taught to mixed ability classes by the class teacher. Children with special educational needs are expected to have an active presence in each lesson and are therefore supported to participate alongside other learners, at their level. We support vulnerable groups such as SEN, EAL and target children through guided support from a TA or teacher as an individual or within a small group to be directed appropriately.