Be the best you can be
At Ribble Drive we teach and reinforce British Values values as part of our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development which underpins and informs our curriculum. We believe in preparing our children positively for life in Britain.
At Ribble Drive, all pupils are given a voice, this links in with our work on children’s rights. Children will take part in various votes across the school year including; electing class council members and head boy and head girl. The school council will meet on a regular basis to discuss issues that may arise in class discussions and to discuss areas for school improvement. Members of the school council will be voted for by their peers and Years 1-6 will have 2 representatives. Children will experience democracy within the classroom and discuss it within the curriculum.
Children are taught why laws are important within school and the wider world. This is reinforced through the whole school positive behaviour strategy. We have annual visits from the police to give assemblies and raise our children’s awareness of laws and how they protect us and the consequences of not abiding by laws. Children learn about some important laws, such as the UNICEF Rights for Children.
Children know they have a right to have their voice heard in a safe, nurturing environment. PSHE lessons will be at the heart of this, but children are also made aware of their rights to express themselves and they are encouraged to exercise their personal freedoms. We are currently at silver award as a UNICEF Rights Respecting School and we are working towards gold this academic year.
Mutual Respect
Children at Ribble Drive are taught to respect themselves and others. They learn that their choices affect their own and others rights to learn in a safe and caring environment. All adults and children in school are respectful to one another. They are encouraged to make good choices and use kind words.
We respect people from all faiths and cultures. Ribble Drive is culturally diverse and we celebrate our similarities and our differences and share our beliefs in a respectful way. This is taught through RE, the Jigsaw scheme of work and across the curriculum. It is also developed in assemblies throughout the year which are planned to cover British Values, key religious dates and Spiritual Moral Social Cultural development. We use Picture News to support with this.
At Ribble Drive, our PSHE scheme of work supports our coverage of British Values and the prevent strategy: