
Ribble Drive Community Primary School

Be the best you can be

PE and Sport Premium

At Ribble Drive, we aim to provide a rich and varied programme of sport. This includes competitive and non-competitive games which  ensure our children develop appropriate attitudes and skills.


Whilst games is taught as part of the PE National Curriculum, at Ribble Drive Primary School we offer the children the opportunity to take part in a variety of age appropriate extra-curricular activities. These are open to children regardless of gender or ability.


Our funding for last year was £17,680. The majority of this was spent buying in the service of sports coaches to enhance the opportunities already on offer within the school day and as extra curricular activities.


These include the following:

  • Swimming lessons take place for year 4 pupils.
  • SEN children attending Panathlon Events.
  • Trips to Manchester United's Football Festivals. 
  • Offering the Bikeability programme for Year 6 children.
  • Our sports coaches are in school three days a week, who also deliver our after school sports clubs.


Please read the following reports for details of how we intend to spend our PE and Sports funding allocation for the current academic year, how we spent our previous academic year’s allocation and how it made a difference to our pupils.
