Be the best you can be
It is lovely to welcome you all back to the start of our new half term and I am looking forward to continuing to be a part of your child’s learning journey. I hope everyone has had a relaxing break and is now ready to explore new ideas, discover different ways to learn and enjoy fantastic and new experiences.
To kick off this half term in English, we will be focusing on the book ‘Beegu’ – which follows an alien whose spacecraft is stranded on Earth. She is sad, lost and wandering around waiting for a rescue signal from her mother. How will it work out? In Maths, we will be focusing on place value within 50 before moving on to measurement where we will be concentrating on length, height, mass and volume.
Our Geography topic is ‘Why does it matter where our food comes from?’ where we will be recognising that all the food we eat comes from either plants or animals, we will focus on identifying, describing and offering reasons for the main features of a dairy farm and observe how milk is used as a raw material. In Science our topic is ‘Materials’ where we will identify, name and sort materials and learn about their properties. Throughout the term, we will conduct simple experiments to test the different properties of these materials.
We will also take part in our wonderful Music lessons with Mrs Higson on a Friday and heart pumping PE sessions with Coach Tom on a Monday.
Miss Bolton, Mrs Ryder and Mrs Sagar