Be the best you can be
Hello and welcome to the Year 6 class page! This is where you will find all the information you need to know about what we will be doing in Year 6 this half term.
To kick of this half term, we will be focussing our learning on 'Paradise Sands' - which follows a young girl and her brothers who stumble upon a mysterious hotel while on a journey to visit their mother and are tempted and trapped by the dangers within. How will it work out?
In our reading lessons, we will be studying the book, 'Mayan Civilisation' by Clare Hibbert. Throughout this story, the children will be challenged on their vocabulary, they will summarise and predict from what they have read and they will answer SATs style questions to improve their understanding.
In Maths, we are focussing our learning on fractions, decimals and percentages and the importance of being able to switch between the three. By the end of the half term, the children will comfortably be able to do this, so be prepared for some testing at home!
In History, we will be exploring the Mayans and asking ourselves the question: Why did the ancient Maya change the way they lived? In Science, we will be focussing our learning on 'Electricity' - learning all about circuit symbols, voltages and brightness.
In PE, with the darker, wetter months behind us (hopefully), we will be back outside with the coach, who will be delivering our Tennis sessions. Will we find the next Andy Murray or Emma Raducanu amongst our Year 6 pupils?
Finally, as always, the amazing Mrs Higson will be in school to sing with us every Friday.
With an exciting half term ahead, please come and visit this page to see our learning journey.
Mr Lord, Miss Batchelor and Miss Stynes