
Ribble Drive Community Primary School

Be the best you can be

Year 4

Hello and welcome to the Year 4 class page. This is where you'll find all the information you need to know about what we'll be learning in Year 4 this half-term.


In English, we will start the year by looking at the book Free Range Freddy by Rachel Bright which is a great picture book all about a chick who is different and ends up making the farmyard a better place by just being himself. We will also explore the books Belonging and Mirror by Jeannie Baker which are beautifully illustrated using collage and will allow us to explore and compare everyday life in other countries with our own lives.


In our reading lessons, we will study a range of stories set in India including some traditional Indian tales along with a variety of texts linked to our RE work on Hinduism.


Our maths work will focus on place value in four-digit numbers, including rounding to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000, before moving on to securing our addition and subtraction skills. We will also be practicing our times tables regularly through songs, games and Time Tables Rock Stars.


Our science topic of electricity will help us understand how to construct different circuits, the components we can use and which materials make good conductors and insulators. Our geography topic is “How and Why is my local area changing?” and we will spend time looking at maps and photos of our area to learn about the changes that have happened, why they have happened and how humans can cause changes. We will also carry out fieldwork in our local area looking at the changes we can see in our local environment.


In our art lessons, we begin with our Power Prints unit of work including creating 3D effect drawings, exploring proportion and developing drawings into prints. We will also look at the work of Henri Matisse and create our own collage inspired by his work. In RE, we will consider the big question “What do Hindus believe God is like?” and learn about Hindu beliefs surrounding God, the festival of Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita.


Coach Jasmine will be teaching us invasion games in PE on Tuesdays and in our Thursday PE lessons we will focus on developing  accuracy and consistency when tracking a ball, exploring a variety of throwing techniques and selecting the appropriate throw for different situations. We will develop catching with one and two hands as well as dribbling with feet and hands.


Mr Martin will be in school on Friday mornings to continue developing our music skills and we will begin to learn some chords on the ukulele. We will be learning about online safety in computing including how search engines work and the accuracy of their results, learning about bots and the positives and negatives of using technology.


We have a lot to look forward to this half term, so please visit this page regularly to see our learning journey.


Miss Crookall, Miss Kendall and Mrs Nasir

Meet the Teacher 2024-25
