
Ribble Drive Community Primary School

Be the best you can be

Year 4

Hello and welcome to the Year 4 class page. This is where you'll find all the
information you need to know about what we'll be learning in Year 4 this half-term.


In our reading lessons we will be reading “You Wouldn’t Want to be a Roman
Soldier!” which will help us understand what life was like in the Roman army.
In English we will be exploring a range of images linked to our history and science
topics with a focus on extending our range of sentence structures. We will use the
book “History VIPs Boudicca” to inspire our writing and also write in role as part of
the digestive system in the style of “The Day the Crayons Quit”
In maths we will focus securing our addition and subtraction skills before moving on
to multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 as well as the 6, 7 and 9 times tables. We
will also be practicing the times tables we already know through songs, games and
Time Tables Rock Stars.
Our science topic of animals including humans will help us understand how our
digestive system works, the different types of teeth we have and their roles along
with helping us learn how to take care of our teeth.
Our history topic is “How did the arrival of the Romans change Britain?” and we will
spend time looking at historical artefacts and sources to learn about why the
Romans invaded Britain and how this affected the lives of the people living in Britain
at the time of the Roman invasion.
Our DT work will build on last half term’s science topic of electricity. After evaluating
a range of existing torches, we will use what we have learnt about circuits to design
and make our own torches.
In RE we will consider the big question “What is the trinity and why is it so important
for Christians?”. We will learn about the concept of the trinity, different symbols
linked to the trinity including water and its importance in baptism.
Coach Jasmine will be teaching us gymnastics in PE on Tuesdays and we will also
be doing yoga which will develop our body awareness, strength, flexibility and
balance in our Thursday PE lessons.
In computing we will be using scratch to develop our coding skills including
recognising what a variable is, making our own variable and creating a quiz using
Our Spanish lessons will focus on numbers and ages, asking questions and
festivities in Spain.


We have a lot to look forward to this half term, so please visit this page regularly to
see our learning journey.
Miss Crookall, Miss Kendall and Mrs Nasir

Meet the Teacher 2024-25
