Be the best you can be
Our Intent
At Ribble Drive Primary School we believe that children should experience the awe and wonder of mathematics as they learn to solve problems; develop ways of looking at patterns; discover efficient strategies and make links between the different areas of maths. We believe maths is a universal language; it helps us to describe, make sense, investigate, understand and respect our ever-changing world. We believe all children can achieve in mathematics, and teach for secure and deep understanding of concepts through fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
Our intent is to promote Mathematics as a lively, interesting and attractive subject and to provide a richness of experience and challenge in order for our children to develop a range of knowledge, skills and understanding of concepts
Where possible, we try to make our maths ‘real maths’, making our learning and experiences relevant to everyday life. We use mistakes and misconceptions as an essential part of learning and provide challenges through rich and varied problems. We encourage children to use approaches, which work for them, by equipping them with a range of efficient strategies and ensuring an understanding of them.
At our school, the whole class is taught mathematics together, with no differentiation by acceleration to new content. The learning needs of individual pupils are addressed through careful scaffolding and skilful questioning, in order to provide appropriate support and challenge. Pre-teaching and interventions are used where necessary. We aim to make maths an exciting and varied experience to enable children to flourish and achieve.
Pupils are given opportunities to discuss and explore in detail how answers were obtained, why the strategy worked and what might be the most efficient method. Precise mathematical language is used by teachers, so that concepts are conveyed with clarity, consistency and precision
At Ribble Drive, maths basic skills are taught on a daily basis. This session revises prior learning, including work from the previous year groups.
Counting is also rehearsed on a daily basis with children being taught to count backwards and forwards in varying steps and to recognise patterns in number sequences.
Times Table Rock Stars-At Ribble Drive we know the importance of children recalling their multiplication and division facts at speed and with accuracy. In order to help children with learning these facts in a fun and engaging way, we subscribe to ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’. Tournaments are often set between local schools. In school, children’s success on this platform is celebrated in each classroom and displayed on each corridor.
Lessons use a Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach to guide children through their understanding of mathematical processes.
Lessons are planned using White Rose Mastery Schemes of Learning as the basic skeleton framework. Our medium- and long-term plans and sequencing of lessons therefore follow the White Rose mastery approach (Reception through to Year 6) where the goal is to deepen understanding so that each lesson builds upon the last. Mathematical concepts and skills are broken up across the key stages. A concept is taught and will be revisited in basic skills and in the following year, but in greater depth in order to build upon prior knowledge. This scheme of work is adapted and modified to suit the needs of all of our learners. All pupils are offered a varied diet of activities from various sources including; Tara Loughran, NCETM and Gareth Metcalfe.
Formative assessment is used daily to assess children’s progress and needs for further support. All pupils are encouraged to ask for help and support as required. NFER testing is used as a form of summative assessment on a termly basis.
As a result of our maths teaching at Ribble Drive you will see:
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